Frequently Asked Questions
The Local Authority Building Control Service amongst other things administer the Building Regulations by the passing of Plans and Checking of building works on site.
We are able to provide you with invaluable information and services such as;
- Local knowledge of your areas
- Next day inspections for current building works applications
- A technically experienced professional team.
- A cost neutral service focused on customer service
Planning Permission looks at the appearance of a building or an extension to a building and how it relates its surroundings. Building Control uses the requirements of the Building Regulations to look at whether the building satisfies its functional requirements and provides reasonable health, safety, and comfort for the users of the building.
If you want to carry out building work, you may require both Planning Permission and Building Regulations approval. Planning and Building Control are separate; for example, if you get Building Regulations approval you are not guaranteed Planning Permission.
If a Building Regulations application is not required for proposed works, you must nevertheless ensure that you have checked whether Planning Permission or Listed Building consent is necessary. Useful guidance is available on the Planning Portal – ‘Do you need permission’ page.
You will need to either submit an application;
- Building Notice Application – usually for simple domestic works
- Full Plans Application – more complex projects
- Regularisation Certificate Application – where the works have already been carried out.
Whichever approach is taken, surveyors/engineers from the East Sussex Building Control Partnership team will carry out appropriate inspections to ensure the works in principal comply with the Building Regulations.
To obtain an application form go to Download Documents
A fee or charge is payable to the local authority unless the work is exempt from the Building Regulations. Fees can be viewed on the Schedule of Charges.
Please note that you may also have to pay a separate fee or charge for submitting an application for Planning Permission.
To make a card payment, please call our contact centre on 01323 443322 – Please have your application reference number to hand when making a payment.
The Building Regulations cover a wide range of standards from structure to fire safety, drainage, sound insulation etc
Some building works do not require building regulations if they comply with certain conditions. Please see our Exemptions page to find out
If in doubt always check with the Building Control Service – Contact us
Where you erect a new building, or extend, internally alter or change the use of an existing building. This applies to all domestic, commercial and public buildings.
If in doubt, always check with the one of the East Sussex Building Control Partnership team on 01892 602005, or email us at
Yes, although separate application forms and fees are required. In practice, when both Planning and Building Regulations applications are required for a proposed development, most applicants do not submit a Building Control Application until planning permission has been granted.
You can apply for a Regularisation Certificate if the works were carried out after the 11th November 1985.
Submitting an application does not automatically lead to a certificate being issued. We may need some of the works exposed for inspection and additional measures to ensure that the works are safe.
To obtain an application form go to Download Documents
Wealden District Council only produced Completion Certificates for applications made after 1994. You can download copies of Decision Notices and Completion Certificates issued from January 2006 onwards from the Wealden website and searching by application reference number or address.
Due to copyright, we cannot provide copies of plans, drawings, or any other information submitted with an application
Information about VAT refunds for DIY housebuilders is available from HM Revenue and Customs.
Once the works have been completed and we have made a satisfactory final inspection, we will issue you with a Completion Certificate.
Please contact Southern Water to see if a ‘building over’ notice is needed and to make an application if necessary.
If you are looking for documents prior to the creation of the partnership (Eastbourne Prior to April 2011 and Rother and Hastings Prior to April 2017) You will need to go back to the respective councils and obtain copies from them.
Please see below contact numbers for each council.
Rother District Council: Phone: 01424 787000
Hastings Borough Council: Phone: 01424 451066
Eastbourne Borough Council: Phone: 01323 410000
No, Provided certain criteria are satisfied, a Building Regulations application is not required. Generally, if the conservatory/porch is under 30m2 and is separated from the dwelling by external grade construction (windows, doors, walls, etc), any glazing is safety glass and any electrical work has been carried out by a suitably qualified electrician then the works would be exempt.
No, there is no requirement to notify neighbours of any proposed building works under the Building Regulations. However out of courtesy, we would always recommend advising your neighbours of the proposed works.
Yes. Demolition is dealt with under The Building Act 1984, Section 80, and generally six weeks prior notice should be given to Building Control before the start of demolition works.
No, a Building Regulations application is not required provided the garage is detached, single storey, less than 30 square metres in internal floor area and either a metre or more from any boundary or constructed from non-combustible material, or if the carport or canopy is less than 30 square metres and open on at least two sides.
No. If the repairs are minor or you are replacing like for like, you do not need to apply for Building Regulations.
Legally you can start work two working days after submitting your Building Regulations application, but you must have advised us of your intention to start works before commencing on site.
Commencement, excavations for foundations, foundations concreted, damp proof course, oversite preparation, drainage as laid (and before backfilling), drainage when on test, and completion or occupation.
We will also need to inspect other elements of construction, such as floor joists, roof timbers, beams and their bearings before they are covered up.
Still can't find what you're looking for?
Feel free to contact us directly and we should be able to provide the answers you are looking for.